Tue, Feb 06 '18, 19:21
Let's talk about the nudes
While I don't think it's possible to stop people from posting these, I'm pretty sure it'd be possible to get a new sort of auto-tag, so when reporting it lands in an "important" folder, or iddk how it works. This way we could react faster, cause this site is supposed to be sfw.
I go on this site quite a lot so this stuff pisses me off quite a lot, if we can get this to work better it'd be great. If you have other ideas to get this to stop it would also be nice.
Tue, Feb 06 '18, 20:57
Agreed, there are kids who use this website and saw those inappropriate photos that were posted by a certain user.
Fri, Feb 09 '18, 15:20
Hello. What happened. I was absent for the last few days but apparently some guy decided to upload sexually explicit stuff ?

Can someone tell me his name ?

I read your proposition @Catiscar. If some post does not respect the rules, you can only downvote it and report it. Then, moderators can delete it when they connect. There is no such thing as an autotag on the BA.

Thank you for your contributions. Don't hesitate to ask me anything !

Moderator Astrolys.
Fri, Feb 09 '18, 23:07
I believe the account was called Nileyhot or something of that nature,

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